Cross Country Move – Week 1

There was a week between settlement of my house and the departure date for the trip where we had nowhere to sleep. Originally, we were going to stay in a hotel for the week, but, we were lucky enough to have our next door neighbors, Allison and Baron, let us stay at their house for […]

Saying goodbye to family and friends

When I made the decision to move to California, the first people that I thought about were my mother and father in law, Linda and Terry. Linda and I have always had a great relationship.  After Scott’s death, we had become closer.  I stopped thinking of both of them as my in laws, and considered […]

The Cross Country Trip – getting ready

So, for those of you who know me, you know that I’m pretty impulsive and neurotic.  Also, I’m pretty organized.  (I liken myself to Monica from Friends.  I really do like to check things off of a list).  Anyway, getting ready for this trip, I started about 1 1/2 months ago.  First, I mapped out […]

Saying goodbye to our home

Today I closed on the sale for my home.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  I’m really doing this.  Am I crazy?  What if this doesn’t work?  I don’t have a job.  What am I going to do?  When I walked through the empty house that I had bought with my husband, I […]