So, for those of you who know me, you know that I’m pretty impulsive and neurotic. Also, I’m pretty organized. (I liken myself to Monica from Friends. I really do like to check things off of a list). Anyway, getting ready for this trip, I started about 1 1/2 months ago. First, I mapped out the route. We would be going the Southern Route of the US and it would take us 3 weeks. Next, I booked the hotels. Then, it came time to prep the car. Here’s where the impulsiveness and neurosis comes into play.
First thought that I had was to rent an RV and travel cross country. Again, for those of you who know me, you know that I am not an outside girl. But, I thought that if you were going to do it, then do it right. I looked everything up and was getting ready to book an RV when my best friend, Andrea, became my voice of reason. She said, “Al, I love this new you and I appreciate that you want to try new things, but maybe do one thing at a time. Maybe just travel cross country first and save your first RV trip for a weekend trip to see if you even like it.” Good point Dre. Ok, so no RV.
Then, I thought ok, so I’ll pack my minivan (yes, I have a minivan – so not cool, but awfully convenient) and we’ll go across country that way. What would I need? Well, here’s what I decided to do:
- Big Totes for each of us. Then, we could pack our clothes for one entire day in jumbo size ziplock bags. That way, when we go in and out of hotels, we would only need to take one ziplock bag for each of us.
- Portable electric cooler to act like a refrigerator.
- Cooking supplies: electric pan, plastic dishes, silverware, dish drain pan (because who wants to eat all of the awful food on the road)
- A dolly (those rolling carts), so we could tote everything in and out of the hotel without any problems.
Reasonable, right? Ok, so I watch The Walking Dead. Not a realistic show, but the idea of survival did occur to me. My au pair, Violeta, tells me that if the Zombie apocalypse really did happen, I would be the first one to die. So, with The Walking Dead in my head, I bought a pocket size survival guide and some potable water drops. You never know. I showed them to Violeta, she just laughed in my face. But, if the apocalypse happens, I’ll be prepared…just sayin’. Also, I bought one of those hammers that breaks glass and can cut a seatbelt. So, if the car should get submerged in water, I’m ready. Lastly, I bought an emergency roadside tool kit. And we’re ready to travel.