Raising Kids After Loss

I think raising kids is difficult, no matter what the circumstances. I know that I continue to be fortunate to be able to hire help in getting my children to school and their after school activities, but those are just logistics. The thing continues to baffle me is the question “why?”. Why did I lose […]

Loss of 9 Angels

Last week, a helicopter crashed in the hills of Calabasas, CA. 9 souls were lost on this day. The day also happened to be my little girl’s 8th birthday. Needless to say the day was filled with highs and lows for me. When I heard the news, I was in shock. A lot of memories […]

It’s been a while…

Hello dear readers…I realize that it’s been a while, and for that I’m truly sorry. But, I’m happy to say that this last year has been one of the best years that I’ve had in some time. I am at a place where I can really say that I’m happy. So, where do I begin? […]

Cross Country Trip – Week 3

Hi everyone, So obviously, the trip happened 6 months ago.  Let’s just go for the synopsis here, shall we? We spent the 3rd week exploring different parts of California.  We were originally going to go to Yosemite, then San Francisco, but there was a blizzard in Yosemite, so….change of plans.  Wah…but, I’ll make it to […]

Cross Country Trip – Week 2

Sorry for the delay in writing, dear readers.  I’ve just been a little crazed…anyway, on with my story: Week 2: I have to say that the second week of the trip was my favorite week.  We saw so many incredible sights, and managed to experience things that I had never imagined I would be fortunate […]

3 years

Today, it’s been 3 years since my husband passed away.  I hate using the word anniversary, because the word seems like a “happy” word to me.  This is definitely not a happy anniversary. I still can’t believe that he is gone.  It feels like forever, while at the same time it feels like it was […]

Cross Country Move – Week 1

There was a week between settlement of my house and the departure date for the trip where we had nowhere to sleep. Originally, we were going to stay in a hotel for the week, but, we were lucky enough to have our next door neighbors, Allison and Baron, let us stay at their house for […]

Saying goodbye to family and friends

When I made the decision to move to California, the first people that I thought about were my mother and father in law, Linda and Terry. Linda and I have always had a great relationship.  After Scott’s death, we had become closer.  I stopped thinking of both of them as my in laws, and considered […]

The Cross Country Trip – getting ready

So, for those of you who know me, you know that I’m pretty impulsive and neurotic.  Also, I’m pretty organized.  (I liken myself to Monica from Friends.  I really do like to check things off of a list).  Anyway, getting ready for this trip, I started about 1 1/2 months ago.  First, I mapped out […]

Saying goodbye to our home

Today I closed on the sale for my home.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  I’m really doing this.  Am I crazy?  What if this doesn’t work?  I don’t have a job.  What am I going to do?  When I walked through the empty house that I had bought with my husband, I […]